About Being


Living in harmony

with people and the planet

Welcome to “About Being Green” – a dedicated space that empowers individuals to explore and seamlessly integrate environmentally and socially conscious living into their daily lives. At the core of our philosophy is the belief that being green is more than an environmental choice; it’s a mental state where each one of us discovers peace and harmony within ourselves, with those we live alongside, and with the planet we call home. Within this space, our mission is to promote a mindset that goes beyond mere sustainable practices, encouraging a holistic approach to living in harmony with oneself, people around and the environment.


Join us on this journey toward a harmonious coexistence with the world around us.

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods: A Culinary Journey

Embark on this culinary journey with fermented foods, and savor not just the taste but a conscious choice for overall well-being. From the probiotic wonders of LAB to the diverse nutritional powerhouses like yogurt, kefir, cheese, sauerkraut, and kimchi, these delights promise a tasty integration of tradition and health consciousness into your daily diet.

Graphic Design

Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don't confuse people.

Content Creation

Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don't confuse people.

Being green is a holistic commitment to sustainability that extends beyond merely reducing one’s carbon footprint; it involves fostering a symbiotic relationship not only with the planet but also with the people we live with